Nov 29, 2020
Mark Manson shares his worldly wisdom in this candidly written everyman book. This book is an extension of a blog he wrote in 2014 that became an instant hit. All his fans are grateful that he took the time to write this book. Contrary to the name, this book talks about values and responsibilities and is indeed an eye-opener and a great conversation starter. There’s no wonder it was featured in a number of bestsellers’ lists. I believe this is a great companion to No More Mr. Nice Guy and only solidifies the concept that seeking external validation makes you a slave of that validation.
Understanding your attachment style can provide valuable insights into yourself and your relationships. It can help you understand why you are attracted to certain types of people, why certain relationship issues keep arising, and why some relationships succeed while others fail. Knowing your ...
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Feb 18, 2022
Are you a Nice Guy? Do you always want to gain someone’s approval in one way…
Feb 11, 2022
For obvious reasons, it’s pretty typical to want to go above and beyond to make sure…
Feb 04, 2022
Societal gender roles have done a great deal of damage to the way we perceive ourselves…
Jan 21, 2022
Successful communication is the hallmark of a healthy relationship. When there is a lack of communication,…