Nov 29, 2020
One of the things a Nice Guy is really scared of is rejection. As a result of childhood abandonment experiences, it is hard for Nice Guys to come to terms that rejection is a normal part of human experience. Jia Jiang took this challenge heads on and decided to overcome his fear of rejection by actively seeking it. It is a fun book in which Jia Jiang shares his experience of a hundred rejections and what it taught him. Read it, and hopefully, you too will find some great ideas that would help you overcome this fear of rejection.
For most Nice Guys, if they are with a woman, the minimal basic requirements usually include: She isn't too bad-looking or too fat. She is at least minimally interested in him. And at least in the beginning, she's willing to have sex with him. When it comes to relationships, most nice ...
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Feb 18, 2022
Are you a Nice Guy? Do you always want to gain someone’s approval in one way…
Feb 11, 2022
For obvious reasons, it’s pretty typical to want to go above and beyond to make sure…
Feb 04, 2022
Societal gender roles have done a great deal of damage to the way we perceive ourselves…
Jan 21, 2022
Successful communication is the hallmark of a healthy relationship. When there is a lack of communication,…