Aug 21, 2021
Robert Glover says, “Nice Guys are dependent on external validation and avoid conflict like the plague.” According to Glover, Nice Guys are anything but nice. In his definitive work based on years of working with men and conducting men’s groups, Glover lays down the truth about where a lot of issues for men stem from. The faulty internalized belief system that If I am a good guy, then everyone will love me and like me (and people I desire will desire me). I would recommend this to every man and I have met a lot of women who have read the book and recommended it to their guy friends, partners and husbands. Highly recommended for everyone looking to live the way of an integrated man.
As we step into the new year, let's kickstart our journey with a transformative shift in mindset about personal power. When we approach adult life situations with childhood defense mechanisms, we keep feeling like powerless victims. When we develop the skills to take on these situations, knowing ...
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Feb 18, 2022
Are you a Nice Guy? Do you always want to gain someone’s approval in one way…
Feb 11, 2022
For obvious reasons, it’s pretty typical to want to go above and beyond to make sure…
Feb 04, 2022
Societal gender roles have done a great deal of damage to the way we perceive ourselves…
Jan 21, 2022
Successful communication is the hallmark of a healthy relationship. When there is a lack of communication,…