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Reclaiming Your Personal Power – Part 1

Reclaiming Your Personal Power – Part 1
Jan 07, 2025 | 6:00 p.m., Mountain Time
+28 people attended this event.

As we step into the new year, let’s kickstart our journey with a transformative shift in mindset about personal power.

When we approach adult life situations with childhood defense mechanisms, we keep feeling like powerless victims. When we develop the skills to take on these situations, knowing that we can handle things no matter what happens, we reclaim our personal power.

Dr. Glover defines personal power as “a state of mind in which a person is confident he can handle whatever may come. This kind of power not only successfully deals with problems, challenges, and adversity, it actually welcomes them, meets them head-on, and is thankful for them. Personal power isn’t the absence of fear. Even the most powerful people have fear. Personal power is the result of feeling fear, but not giving in to the fear.

In an attempt to cope with their childhood abandonment experiences, all Nice Guys developed the same paradigm: “If I am good, then I will be loved, get my needs met, and have a problem-free life.” Unfortunately, this paradigm produces the opposite of what is desired and guarantees nothing but feelings of perpetual powerlessness.

This is an invitation to a two-part discussion series where we’ll discuss the concept of personal power and provide practical tools and insights to help you reclaim it. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, setting the stage for a year filled with empowerment and resilience.

Are you ready to Reclaim Your Personal Power? Join us for an enlightening and empowering exploration that can reshape your approach to life in 2025 and beyond.”

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