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Men Transforming Relationships [Pt-1]: Breaking the Cycle of Resentment Towards Women

Men Transforming Relationships [Pt-1]: Breaking the Cycle of Resentment Towards Women
Jul 23, 2024 | 6:00 p.m., Mountain Time
+24 people attended this event.

It’s a common dynamic amongst nice guys to have at least some negativity and resentment towards women.

This can be especially true for single guys who have either not had much success in dating and for guys who have a tendency to pick and stay with wounded women.

Nice guys often allow women who don’t treat them well into their lives, leading to a lot of future resentment and negativity.

These experiences can create a deep emotional scar for most men. It’s essential that we resolve these negative feelings and resentments toward women to attract a great woman into our lives as a partner.

These negative attitudes can be traced back to anxiety and a lack of skills in setting healthy boundaries.

Women don’t find resentful men attractive.
The same way that men don’t find women who are “man-haters” attractive.

This week we are going to help you identify the false paradigms that keep men stuck in unhealthy relationships or keep them sitting on the sidelines, resenting women. We are also going to talk about what healthy paradigms look like.

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