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Become the Partner You Seek [2025]

Become the Partner You Seek [2025]
Feb 11, 2025 | 6:00 p.m., Mountain Time
+29 people attended this event.

Pretty much every single adult wants to find the one, mainly to overcome the uncomfortable feeling of being alone. We try out all the dating apps and websites and try to meet people in our softball league or perhaps church meets.

But how many awkward first dates are you willing to go on before you start doubting if there is the “one” for you? You meet all these people wrapped up in their heads with an old-school Disney version of love where apparently life ends the moment you find “real” love.

If this describes your adventures or misadventures in dating, I invite you to look at things differently.

We all want to find the perfect partner, but are we willing to be that amazing partner for someone?

I believe these unrealistic expectations are the root cause of all our misery when it comes to finding love. We hold others to such unrealistic standards but are unwilling to see ourselves and accept ourselves just as we are.

We also expect women out of swimsuit models while never having the discipline to commit to a gym routine and eat healthy consistently.

When we take a more realistic view of life and accept the reality of our situation, we can make better choices and steps toward finding a partner who will be a better fit for us.

Join us this week as we discuss the principles of Healthy Dating.

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