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Member Story: From the Sidelines to Center Field!

Member Story: From the Sidelines to Center Field!
Mar 11, 2025 | 6:00 p.m., Mountain Time
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This week we have a special share by our longstanding member Mario.

Mario has done incredible work and made significant strides in his life, and he would like to share his journey and his wins as he continues to do this work.

Mario says:

The story of my early life is one of fear—fear of taking chances, an inability to step outside my comfort zone, and feelings of unworthiness and emotional unwellness. It felt as though I was watching my life unfold from the sidelines. Eventually, I became disgusted with the person I had become. Although I had two wonderful children, I did not have the relationship with them that I desired. I was married but deeply unhappy, and my wife felt the same. I had disconnected from my friends and felt helpless about making any changes.

As life progressed, I realized I was nearing the end of my life, and I had a mountain of things I wanted to accomplish. I felt as though I was running out of time. It struck me that I was more afraid of not truly living than of dying. This realization led me to participate in an online personal development program. The program helped me become aware of who I truly was and challenged my perspectives on life. For the first time, I began to believe that I could change and that I had the power to transform my life.

This marked the beginning of a new journey, a fresh adventure where I took on a leading role in my own life. I learned to face my fears and realized that regardless of whether I won or lost, I could handle the outcomes. I started to look forward to playing a central role in my life because I understood that I was good enough. I was willing to step onto the field of my life, take chances, and be the creator of my own experiences. I allowed life lessons and experiences to fuel my growth and finally felt like I was truly living.

This is the message I want to convey: we can all play leading roles in our lives when we choose to step up and take action.

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