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Embracing Vulnerability: The Key to Building Resilience and Personal Power

Embracing Vulnerability: The Key to Building Resilience and Personal Power
Aug 27, 2024 | 6:00 p.m., Mountain Time
+25 people attended this event.

When we talk about personal power, resilience is what helps us roll with the punches, bounce back from those hard knocks, and keep going when things get tough. But there’s a secret ingredient to resilience that often gets overlooked, and that’s vulnerability.

I know it sounds counterintuitive. Vulnerability – isn’t that a sign of weakness? Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Being vulnerable means having the courage to show up, be seen, and speak up, even when the outcome isn’t guaranteed. It’s about letting our true selves shine through – the good, the bad, the fearful, the joyful. By doing so, we actually make room for growth and grit, and that’s where resilience comes into play.

So, if you are ready for this shift in your mindset, I invite you to come and explore how being open about our vulnerabilities can actually make us more resilient and powerful.

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